Monday, October 13, 2008

Whacky Tacky!

One thing all FII members would not forget is all the fun we had with the walkie-talkies. Some excerpts:

Day 1:
Everyone is working his behinds off.. things are in the initial unstable phase when no one knows anything.. ppl are running hither and thither putting their all into making sure none except the organizers get to know that its a fight.. The walkie talkie network is abound with fast and serious pings.. Suddenly a voice that had been missing since morning crackles into life:
A happy, calm and well rested Sudhakar's voice says "Ladies and Gentlemen... Sudhakar is awake now!"
"Sudhakar come in.. Control here"..
Santa: "Sudhakar, control wants you" (on the walkie talkie itself)
"Anshema come in.. XYZ here"
"Anshuman here.. Someone wanted me?"
(no response)
"Anshuman here.. Someone wanted me?"
(still no response)
Anshuman in despair.. No one wants me :( Poor guy didn't realise that his
aged ears were playing tricks on him.
"PDM come in.. XYZ here"
Didn't sound like XYZ.. short pause..
"Err.. Sorry.. XYZ come in.. PDM here"
Nachiket (frantic): "Anshuman come here soon.. The banner is falling!!! come soon come soon"
Anshuman (in a lazy drawl): "Arre yaar.. Let it fall.. It's not London bridge!"
"Yadav Come in.. Control here"
"Coming in"..
And he walked into the room..
"All those who don't have their walkie talkies, pls come and collect them"
- Broadcast msg from Yadav ON the walkie talkie!
("All those who're absent, please raise your hands" types :) )

1 comment:

arumugam said...

Thank you. I just wanted to know where to ship it since I know now to keep producing it

Walkie Talkie in Patna